Hair Trends: 3 Hair Do’s you should try

    In today’s busy world wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to deal with your hair?? If your anything like me your answer is YES! Sometimes juggling work, kids, and school leaves zero time for hair maintenance. Luckily I found 3 hair styles that are simple and low maintenance. 1.) The Bun- This Keep Reading!

Dating Tip:: How to deal with bad breath on a date

  After partying memorial day weekend I noticed that there is a serious lack of dental hygiene in the world. Which in turn brings up the subject of bad breath, now before I get into ways to avoid it, First I’m going to explain why this phenomenon is happening… Bad breath or halitosis can be Keep Reading!

Health Energy: Swimming Relieves Stress

    I was sitting poolside, when I noticed how relaxed I was….Which got me thinking that swimming is actually a great stress free activity. At this point your probably asking yourself how does swimming relieve stress. Well it’s actually very simple….     *When you swim you are no longer focused on your problems, which will Keep Reading!