To be or Not To Be……..My Life as a Vegetarian part 2

(Old post from PrettyBleu)

Last year I informed everyone of my decision to lead a vegetarian lifestyle….a decision that was cut short by my Chic-A-FIl-A cravings! (I <3 chicken)

yes I gave into chicken which lead to turkey, beef, and more chicken lol. But soon after that I realized that I didn’t really miss meat as much as I thought I did. So I switched back to the vegetarian lifestyle after only a few months. It was easy at first, then slowly but surely I noticed myself getting smaller and smaller. Losing weight was never my goal or my reason to stop eating meat so when I noticed it happening I decided to take action!

My Problem…….
I have an extremely high metabolism and I didn’t realize how much my body benefited from the protein of meat. I was eating mostly fish, shrimp, and veggies. I guess those were no match for my body’s metabolic process!

What happened Next……..
I consulted with a few vegetarian friends who advised me to add beans to my diet….Hmmm, I like beans but not that much lol. But I listened and I also added more fruit and breads. There are a lot of other ways to get protein. I would suggest that anyone interested in being a vegetarian should do a lot of research before switching over

My Outcome…….So far I have been happy! my body feels lighter, I have more energy, and I’m in great shape! I would recommend this lifestyle to everyone. Just be careful and find the right diet that is best suited for YOUR BODY type


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